I am an artist.
Once upon a time, I had the word “artist” in my bio. Somewhere along the line, I removed it.
Maybe it was because I was preoccupied with what I do for money. Maybe it was because I’m not a professional artist. Maybe it was because my art isn’t particularly great from a technical perspective. Maybe it was because I don’t make art often enough to justify the label. Maybe I felt other labels (like musician) were sufficient. Maybe I was just overthinking it.
But I am an artist. In my soul, I know that. It’s such a natural instinct for me to create things using artistic mediums. If money and responsibilities were taking out of the equation, it’s a safe bet I’d spend a great deal of my time creating art.
Which is why my past decision to remove “artist” from my bio fascinates me. Why would I deny myself that label when it’s such a core part of who I am?
It’s been a interesting to witness my own growth and evolvution beyond standard conventions. Rather than questioning or challenging aspects of myself because they don’t fit into conventional boxes, I’m now questioning and challenging the boxes themselves. I am a multi-faceted individual with a plethora of gifts to offer, and I want to show up to all areas in my life as my whole self.
We are all multi-faceted individuals with a plethora of gifts to offer, and I think we’d be better if we showed up to all areas of our lives as our whole selves.
It helps that I’m married to an artist who inspires me every day. While she suffers from the same doubts about owning the “artist” label, she is an artist at her core. In her soul. Look at any scrap of paper within her immediate vicinity and it becomes abundantly clear that she is an artist.
We’ve been through the wringer over the last number of years, which is why it’s been so incredibly welcome and important for us to get back into art making. We’ve been threatening to paint our piano since we moved into our house two years ago, and we finally did it!

We now have blue skies and puffy white clouds inside even if the notoriously dreary Pittsburgh weather consistently gives us gray skies. René Magritte has always been an inspiration of mine, so I was excited when Melissa came up with the idea for a cloud pattern piano.
I also was able to finally able to execute a painting that’s been in my head for years now. The title is The Future Is Wide Open and now hangs on my bedroom wall. It’s a perfect motivator that greets me as soon as I open my eyes in the morning.

So yeah. I’m an artist. Always have been. Always will. And while it will likely only ever be a hobby for the hell of it, I’ve re-added “artist” to my bio.